Source code for dacy.load

"""Functionality for loading and locating DaCy models."""

import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Union

import spacy
from spacy.language import Language

from .download import DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR, download_model, models_url

[docs]def load( model: str, force: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, # type: ignore ) -> Language: """Load a DaCy model as a SpaCy text processing pipeline. If the model is not downloaded it will also download the model. Args: model: the model you wish to load. To see available model see dacy.models() force: Should the model be redownloaded even if already downloaded? Default to False. kwargs: additional arguments passed to spacy.load() Returns: A SpaCy text-preprocessing pipeline Example: >>> import dacy >>> dacy.load("da_dacy_medium_trf-0.1.0") >>> # or equivalently >>> dacy.load("medium") """ path = download_model(model, force=force) return spacy.load(path, **kwargs)
[docs]def where_is_my_dacy(verbose: bool = True) -> Union[str, Path]: # type: ignore """Returns a path to where DaCy models are located. The default the model location can be configured with the environmental variable `DACY_CACHE_DIR`. Args: verbose (bool, optional): Toggles the verbosity of the function. Defaults to True. Returns: str: path to the location of DaCy models Example: >>> import dacy >>> dacy.where_is_my_dacy() """ if verbose is True: warnings.warn( # noqa: B028 "DaCy pipelines above and including version 0.1.0 are installed as a " + "python module and are thus located in your python environment under " + "the respective names. To get a list of installed models use " + "spacy.util.get_installed_models()", ) return DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR
[docs]def models() -> list: """Returns a list of valid DaCy models. Returns: list: list of valid DaCy models Example: >>> import dacy >>> dacy.models() """ return list(models_url.keys())