Source code for dacy.datasets.names

"""Helper functions for loading name dictionaries for person augmentation."""

import os
from typing import Optional

import pandas as pd

[docs]def load_names( min_count: int = 0, ethnicity: Optional[str] = None, # type: ignore gender: Optional[str] = None, # type: ignore min_prop_gender: float = 0, ) -> dict[str, list[str]]: # type: ignore """Loads the names lookup table. Danish are from Danmarks statistik (2021). Muslim names are from Meldgaard (2005), Args: min_count (int, optional): Minimum number of occurences of the name for it to be included. Defaults to 0. ethnicity (Optional[str], optional): Which ethnicity should be included. None indicate all is included. Options include "muslim", "danish". Defaults to None. gender (Optional[str], optional): Which gender should be included. None indicate all is included. Options include "male", "female". Defaults to None. min_prop_gender (float): minimum probability of a name being a given gender. The probability of a given name being a specific gender is based on the proportion of people with the given name of that gender. Only used when gender is set. Defaults to 0. Returns: dict[str, list[str]]: A dictionary of names containing the keys "first_name" and "last_name". """ path = os.path.join( # noqa os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), # noqa "lookup_tables", "names.csv", ) names = pd.read_csv(path) if min_count: names = names.loc[names["count"] >= min_count] if ethnicity is not None: names = names.loc[names["ethnicity"] == ethnicity] last_names = names.loc[names["first_name"] == False] # noqa if gender is not None: names = names.groupby(["name", "gender", "first_name"]).agg({"count": "sum"}) # Change: groupby state_office and divide by sum names = names.groupby(level=0).apply(lambda x: x / float(x.sum().iloc[0])) names = names.reset_index(level=0, drop=True) names = names.reset_index() names = names.loc[ (names["gender"] == gender) & (names["count"] >= min_prop_gender) ] first_names = names.loc[names["first_name"] == True] # noqa return { "first_name":, "last_name":, }
[docs]def muslim_names() -> dict[str, list[str]]: # type: ignore """Returns a dictionary of Muslim names. Returns: dict[str, list[str]]: A dictionary of Muslim names containing the keys "first_name" and "last_name". The list is derived from Meldgaard (2005), Example: >>> from dacy.datasets import muslim_names >>> names = muslim_names() >>> names["first_name"] >>> names["last_name"] """ return load_names(ethnicity="muslim")
[docs]def danish_names() -> dict[str, list[str]]: # type: ignore """Returns a dictionary of Danish names. Returns: dict[str, list[str]]: A dictionary of Danish names containing the keys "first_name" and "last_name". The list is derived from Danmarks statistik (2021). Example: >>> from dacy.datasets import danish_names >>> names = danish_names() >>> names["first_name"] >>> names["last_name"] """ return load_names(ethnicity="danish")
[docs]def female_names() -> dict[str, list[str]]: # type: ignore """Returns a dictionary of Danish female names. Returns: dict[str, list[str]]: A dictionary of names containing the keys "first_name" and "last_name". The list is derived from Danmarks statistik (2021). Example: >>> from dacy.datasets import female_names >>> names = female_names() >>> names["first_name"] >>> names["last_name"] """ return load_names(ethnicity="danish", gender="female", min_prop_gender=0.5)
[docs]def male_names() -> dict[str, list[str]]: # type: ignore """Returns a dictionary of Danish male names. Returns: dict[str, list[str]]: A dictionary of names containing the keys "first_name" and "last_name". The list is derived from Danmarks statistik (2021). Example: >>> from dacy.datasets import male_names >>> names = male_names() >>> names["first_name"] >>> names["last_name"] """ return load_names(ethnicity="danish", gender="male", min_prop_gender=0.5)