Dirichlet Multinomial Mixture Model#

The tweetopic.DMM class provides utilities for fitting and using Dirichlet Multinomial Mixture Models.

Observations drawn from a DMM

Simulation of 1000 observations drawn from a DMM source: Wikipedia

The Dirichlet Multinomial Mixture Model or DMM is a generative probabilistic model, that assumes that all data points in the population are generated from a mixture of dirichlet distributions with unknown parameters.

DMMs can be thought of as a fuzzy clustering method, but can also be employed as topic models. It has been demonstrated that DMMs work particularly well for topic modelling over short texts (Yin and Wang, 2014).

Graphical model with plate notation

Graphical model of DMM with plate notation (Yin & Wang, 2014)

Dirichlet Multinomial Mixtures in tweetopic are fitted with Gibbs sampling . Since Gibbs sampling is an iterative ḾCMC method, increasing the number of iterations will usually result in better convergence.

The parameters alpha and beta can be explained in terms of the Movie Group Process, an analogy used for the fitting algorithm in Yin and Wang(2014).
The fitting procedure can be thought of as a process, where students in a classroom have to divide themselves up into groups based on their movie preferences.
Each student expresses their preferences in the form of a list of favorite movies (analogous to documents being lists of words).
In each iteration the students will try to choose a table (cluster/component) based on these two rules:
  • Rule 1: Prefer tables with more students.

  • Rule 2: Choose a table where students have similar preferences to your own.

Here alpha represents the willingness of a student to join tables with lower number of students.
While beta represents the willingness of students to join tables with preferences differing from their own.


(API reference)

Creating a model:

from tweetopic import DMM

dmm = DMM(

Fitting the model on a document-term matrix:


Predicting cluster labels for unseen documents:



Yin, J., & Wang, J. (2014). A Dirichlet Multinomial Mixture Model-Based Approach for Short Text Clustering. In Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 233–242). Association for Computing Machinery.