Getting Started#

stormtrooper is a lightweight Python library for zero and few-shot classification using transformer models. All components are fully scikit-learn compatible thereby making it easier to integrate them into your scikit-learn workflows and pipelines.


You can install stormtrooper from PyPI.

pip install stormtrooper[torch]

If you intend to use SetFit models as well, install stormtrooper with optional dependencies.

pip install stormtrooper[setfit]

From version 0.4.0 you can also use OpenAI models in stormtrooper.

pip install stormtrooper[openai]
export OPENAI_API_KEY="sk-..."


To get started load a model from HuggingFace Hub. In this example I am going to use Google’s FLAN-T5.

from stormtrooper import Text2TextZeroShotClassifier

class_labels = ["atheism/christianity", "astronomy/space"]
example_texts = [
    "God came down to earth to save us.",
    "A new nebula was recently discovered in the proximity of the Oort cloud."

model = Text2TextZeroShotClassifier("google/flan-t5-base").fit(None, class_labels)
predictions = model.predict(example_texts)