Semantic Networks#
One of the tools with which you can investigate embedding models in embedding-explorer is the semantic network visualizer. This tool is designed for discovering associative networks in embedding spaces. In this tutorial I will present a handful of use cases for this tool.
Exploring Associations in Static Word Embedding Models#
One of the ways in which you can analyse associative relations in a corpus is by training a static word embedding model, and then querying relations in the fitted model.
In this example we are going to train a GloVe embedding model on an openly available corpus, then look at associative networks emerging in this model. In order to be able to train GloVe embeddings in Python we will have to install the glovpy package, which provides an API very similar to that of Gensim.
pip install glovpy
Then we have to load and preprocess the corpus. Preprocessing in this case will entail lowercasing texts, removing accents and tokenizing the texts.
from gensim.utils import tokenize
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
# Loading the dataset
newsgroups = fetch_20newsgroups(
remove=("headers", "footers", "quotes"),
# Tokenizing the dataset
tokenized_corpus = [
list(tokenize(text, lower=True, deacc=True)) for text in newsgroups
Then we can train a word embedding model, that will hopefully capture semantic relations particular to this corpus.
from glovpy import GloVe
model = GloVe(vector_size=25)
Now that we have trained an embedding model we can launch the explorer and interact with the model through associations.
from embedding_explorer import show_network_explorer
vocabulary = model.wv.index_to_key
embeddings = model.wv.vectors
show_network_explorer(vocabulary, embeddings=embeddings)
We can then specify a set of seed words which will be used as the basis of association, and then the amount of word we would like to get from two sequential levels of associations. The app will display a graph like this:

Exploring Corpora with Dynamic Embedding Models#
If you want to explore semantic networks in corpora with pre-trained language models, you can also do that in embedding-explorer. There are multiple advantages to this approach:
You don’t have to train a model yourself, a model with a relatively good understanding of language can be used.
Seeds can be of arbitrary length. You can input a whole sentence as a seed it will still make sense.
The corpus can be divided in arbitrary ways.
We are going to use sentence-transformers as embedding models. As embedding-explorer expects scikit-learn compatible components, we will install embetter, a library with scikit-learn wrappers for all kinds of embeddings.
pip install embetter[sentence-tfm]
In this example to demonstrate the usefulness of this approach we will extract four-grams in the same corpus and use custom seeds. First let’s load the corpus.
from gensim.utils import tokenize
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
# Loading the dataset
newsgroups = fetch_20newsgroups(
remove=("headers", "footers", "quotes"),
Then extract the 4000 most frequent four-grams by using scikit-learn’s CountVectorizer.
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
four_grams = (
ngram_range=(4, 4), max_features=4000
Then let’s load an embedding model with embetter.
from embetter.text import SentenceEncoder
encoder = SentenceEncoder("all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
We can then launch the network explorer app.
from embedding_explorer import show_network_explorer
show_network_explorer(four_grams, vectorizer=encoder)
This will allow you to specify arbitrary seeds in the app.

API Reference#
- embedding_explorer.show_network_explorer(corpus: Iterable[str], vectorizer: BaseEstimator | None = None, embeddings: ndarray | None = None, port: int = 8050, fuzzy_search: bool = False) Thread | None #
Visually inspect semantic networks emerging in an embedding model.
- Parameters:
corpus (
) – Texts you intend to search in with the semantic explorer.vectorizer (
, defaultNone
) – Model to vectorize texts with. If not supplied the model is assumed to be a static word embedding model, and the embeddings parameter has to be supplied.embeddings (
ofshape (n_corpus
) – Embeddings of the texts in the corpus. If not supplied, embeddings will be calculated using the vectorizer.port (
) – Port for the app to run on.fuzzy_search (
, defaultFalse
) – Specifies whether you want to fuzzy search in the vocabulary. This is recommended for production use, but the index takes time to set up, therefore the startup time is expected to be greater.
- Returns:
If the app runs in a Jupyter notebook, work goes on on a background thread, this thread is returned.
- Return type: