
To get started using this package install it using pip by running the following line in your terminal:

pip install conspiracies

There should be no discrepancy between the latest version installed using pip or the version on GitHub.

To install dependencies for using the prompt relation extraction, run the following command:

pip install conspiracies[openai]

Development Installation#

To set up the development environment for this package, clone the repository and install the package using the following commands:

git clone
cd conspiracies

pip install -e ".[style,tests,docs,tutorials]"

Furthermore if you wants to run the tests, you will need to install the spacy pipelines specificed in test/requirements.txt:

pip install -r test/requirements.txt

Lastly, if you want to make sure the style format specified by the pre-commit hooks is correct, you will need to install the pre-commit hooks:

pre-commit install

Which will run the pre-commit hooks on every commit. To run the pre-commit hooks manually you can simply run:

pre-commit run --all-files