Pandemic Hackathons
“As part of NDHL’s pandemic response, we will run monthly hackathons during 2021 in order to explore forms of Pan-Nordic research and infrastructure collaboration for humanities and social sciences. During these events we focus particularly on the topics related to sociolcultural responses to Covid-19.”
News Media Response During Covid-19 Phase 1-2
Time: January 28-29
- [FI-team] Eetu Mäkelä, Pihla Toivanen, Maciej Janicki, Antti Kanner | University of Helsinki
- [NO-team] Lars G. Johnsen, Magnus Breder Birkenes | National Library of Norway
- [DK-team] Kristoffer Nielbo, Frida Hæstrup, Kenneth C. Enevoldsen, Anita Kurm, Maris Sala | Aarhus University
- [HOPE-team] Rebekah Barglini, Telma Peura, Stephan Smuts | Aarhus University
Description The first hackathon was run as a demonstrator of DeiC’s HPC system for interactive computing UCloud in order to tet its capacity for Pan-Nordic collaboration on siloed data. The FI and DK teams identified change points and salient stories in the Danish and Norwegian news stream during the first and second phase of Covid-19. The NO team worked on a feature extraction pipeline for Norwegian newspaper data. For this event, we were joined by a team of computer linguists, led by Rebekah B. Baglini, from the Danish HOPE project that studies how people cope with Covid-19. All participants were extremely happy with the resources available in UCloud and want to thank NeiC, DeiC and Aarhus University for supporting the activity.
Output Nielbo et al, 2021, When no news is bad news - Detection of negative events from news media content, Download.