Status: In Progress First online: 27-05-2020 Updated: 27-05-2020

Authors Lasse Hansen & Kristoffer L. Nielbo, Center for Humanities Computing Aarhus.

This study has not yet been peer reviewed.


The public conception of scientific expertise is, at times, slanted by mistrust especially in relation to several public health issues, e.g., vaccination, autism, and Covid-19. How


For bag-of-words representation $X$ w. documents in columns and words in rows, such that each entry $X_{ij}$ is the $i$th word in the $j$th column, we solve

\begin{equation} \underset{W,H}{\mathrm{argmin}} \parallel X - WH \parallel^{2}_{F} ~~~ s.t. ~ W,H \geq 0 \end{equation}

nmf Fig. 1: NMF illustration


tragedy Fig. 2: Enhanced umap

corona Fig. 3: Association graph seeded with {mistrust, science}

corona Fig. 4: Association graph seeded with {mistrust, science}



Comments submitted @ NDHL Website

Data available @ JSTOR Data for Research top 40,000 objects containing mistrust.

Source code available @ CHCAA GitHub


This project is funded by the AUFF NOVA-funded project Mistrust of scientific expertise - Exploring a cultural phenomenon
